Monday, September 25, 2006

DOA rocks!

Just saw DOA (Dead or Alive) last Sunday and it sure rocks! The girls were hot, I wish I were one of them. I really like Christie best. She's sexy, seductive and naughty. She knows that men can't resist her and she uses that to her advantage to get what she wants. You go girl!

Haay.. I just wish I were that sexy. Maybe I should start that gym thing I was planning for a long time. But working out is such a hassle and I just don't have the energy to go to the gym from the office after work, sweat for 2 hours then ride a jeep to ayala then another one to get home.. I'd rather sleep after work and dream of a perfect figure. hehehe.. oh well.


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

just rambling..

it's been a while since i posted here. i changed my url because there are just thoughts that i can not share with some people. i know that with the search engine, everything is traceable. i just thought it was a good idea to change url at the time.

a lot has happened lately and there are only a few happy things that i could think of.

i had the longest weekend ever.. i'll just leave it at that.

went home for a few days. glad to see nothing's changed much at home. it's the same house, the same room and its as if i were not away for months.

not in the mood now. i'll write again when i have a more cheerful topic to write about.
