Friday, July 14, 2006

A very spiritual?? composition..

I have a co-worker who serves as an altar boy throughout his school years. He said a priest financed his education from highschool to college and he served in church for almost all of his life. He's new and since I'm a little conversational when I choose to, we actually became fast friends.. :) I even paid for his fare when he and I went home from work together.. hehe.. yeah, thats me.. miss congeniality.

Well anyways, since he was such a religious guy and of course knew many stuff about God, the church, philosophy, theology, etc... I told him I want to die. He said, why? I said I am just not interested with what life has to offer.. He said Wow, that's cool.. haha.. He then sent me many philosophical quotes about life and death with authors no other than Descartes, St. Augustine, and many others and honestly, I really didn't comprehend the meaning of those quotes. It was just too deep and spiritual for my powers. Then he said that maybe if he wanted to die, his reason would be to look back at his life and know his importance, the purpose why he was sent here. Then I said, "but then you would be dead and won't be able to come back".. I thought I was being smart when I told him that and anticipated his reply. Then he answered with "That would be the only way to know your purpose. Only God knows it." He has a point.. demmit.

Today, he again sent me a quote from someone really really smart.. I dont know who but I'm certain he's dead. Please read:

A monk asked Abbot Poemen: "Father, teach me the first step in the spiritual life." The Abbot replied: "It is written, 'I will declare my sinfulness and think of my sins.'"

I was, Haaaa??? Then he explained some stuff and i still didn't get it.

Anyways, he then asked me if I have an idea where I was before I went out of my mother's vagina.. (Not that exact phrase.....but you know what I mean). I said no. Do you? I expected a Miss Universe answer and I was not disappointed. His reply was "I was told by a monk that we did not exist. But we already exist in God's plans." Wowww...

I asked him if he believes in heaven and earth and he said "Yes. Do you?"

Yes, I do believe in heaven and I wish I'd go there when I die. I even want to go there now.. But talking with Chelito makes me realize that I have many things to live for still.. i could enumerate them here, hehe:

1. I want to be married
2. I want to have children. 3 only. That' s MAXIMUM, not 4 or that gi?? better if 1 lang kay sakit sa B_L_T, hehehehehehe..
3. Visit other places
4. Ride a roller coaster, kanang taas kaau nga murag makamatay
5. I want to see celebrities, hehe..
6. Go to a Britney Spears concert. I know she's old news right now but I spent my highschool days admiring, idolizing britney spears and even fought for her. I just hate Christina Aguilera, bitch. Haha.. I spent hours at internet cafe just saving all britney pictures I could find.
7. I want to eat different, delicious cuisine.. gluttony could get me to hell.. pero please Lord make an exception.
8. I want to own a beautiful house for my family
9. Treat my parents with a shopping spree to Hongkong or a vacation in the US
10. I still want to buy cool things for myself, hehe..

I know these are shallow, but I'll just have to live for those reasons... hahaha..

Kapoy nag sulat ug ininglish, so mao ra ni.
